The Schuylkill Haven Crop Walk is held annually on the first Sunday in October and is a major fund raiser sponsored by the Church World Services to “stamp out hunger”. One quarter of the monies raised are designated for our local food pantry. Please consider walking with us in this most meaningful effort.
53rd Annual CWS CROP Walk to Fight Hunger, Sunday, October 2. Raise funds to fight global hunger while supporting the Schuylkill Haven Council of Churches Food Pantry. Volunteers are needed to promote and coordinate the walk, provide refreshments, and walk, of course! Walk packets will be distributed at the Council meeting on Tuesday, July 26, at 7 PM at Covenant United Methodist Church. For more information see our Council of Churches representatives, (provide names of your church reps) or call the Rev. Ms. Shawn D. Van Dyke, President, at 570-385-2049.
The following link will take you to the Church World Service Crop Walk site for anyone who would like to make an ONLINE donation.