Community Worship Services
Christian Bacca- Patriot
Unity laureate Day
2019 Preach 3 lay, 3 pastors open open
Host First UCC Jerusalem open
2020 Preach open open open
Host open First UMC open
For Each Worship Service -
The preacher is asked to provide scripture, sermon title and a sermon hymn one month prior to the service.
The host church is asked to organize the service, providing an organist and special music.
Christian Unity – is held near the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, typically in late January or early February, avoiding the date for the NFL Super Bowl.
Baccalaureate –The designated preacher is subject to change when a pastor has a child graduating from Schuylkill Haven Area High School. To provide continuity, the pastor who preached the previous year is asked to support the host pastor in coordinating the worship service. Typically this service is held at the host church site on the third Sunday in May at 4 PM.
Patriot Day – This service may be held on September 11 or the nearest Sunday evening to September 11 in remembrance of the terrorists attacks of September 11, 2001 and in recognition of the fire fighters, police officers and other emergency personnel who risk their lives to save others. All pastors in the Schuylkill Haven Council of Churches are invited to participate, along with local fire houses and police.
Note: While there are presently 18 churches in the Council, several pastors are bi-vocational and are unable to preach or host for community services.
All offerings gathered during the Council services are given to the Council Treasurer to support Council ministries.